StyledbyMcKenz 2.0

  1. Marioness says:

    Lovely site! So excited to see what comes next on your blogging journey!

  2. Nagore says:

    Loveitt! Hope your new site is as good as the other one?

  3. girly blogger says:

    i love your new website. can’t wait for future posts!

  4. Anne says:

    Congratulations girl! Your new blog looks awesome, it really does! It’s so neat and I love the new(?) logo!! I also saw on the sidebar that you are only fifteen! I thought you were eighteen lol. Well, I wish you a lovely Easter girl. xo

  5. […] will no longer be posting on this site, however, this is not goodbye. Please feel free to check out my new site, and leave some love while you’re at it. My new website holds all of my previous sixteen […]

  6. Congratulations! We just discovered your blog recently, so it was
    really cool to see you have taken the next big step! Kudos ??

    You are the CEO of your own brand which is MEGA! You get to
    call the shots, experiment, & grow all on your own terms! When
    we went to study Fashion @ Uni, they didn’t even teach about
    blogging, or the tech side, so the fact that you have already
    accomplished so much at such a young age shows you have a
    very bright & fun future ahead! Sending good vibes from Miami?

  7. Cheila says:

    I’ve nominated you for my Tag a while ago and forgot to tell you!!
    Here’s the link:

  8. Super excited for you! Congrats on the new site!

  9. Megan Nicole says:

    Love the new site!! I have been out of blogging world for a bit due to lack of commitment to my blog. I was wondering if you could give me any advice on how to stay active and grow my audience?
    Also you’ve commented on one of my pages about how you’re interested in majoring in something fashion in college–I just made a post about a Visual Merchandising project I did in one of my classes if you want to check it out!!

    Xoxo, Megan

    • Hey, Meg! Thank you so much. I have been on the new site for about a month and am loving it except for the struggle to gain hits now, lol! Honestly, blogging is something that really helps me relieve stress and a very personal creative outlet for it. I have had a blogging schedule since the very first month I made the site, therefore I have never really strayed from it. I miss a day here and there but honestly, I kind of feel as though I’ve made myself my own boss! I hate feeling like I’ve let myself down, ya know? Anyways, I would suggest that you sit down and do a brain dump. Set yourself some goals for your blog, write down every post idea you have, and look at your weekly schedule. Decide what day’s are convenient for posting and stuff like that! This always helps to get inspired. Taking action is the only way to achieve your goals! I was thinking about starting a series on beginners blogging and such but have been feeling like I don’t know enough, ya know? Okay before I start to blab some more, I’ll let ya go! Have a fab day, hun xx

      • Megan Nicole says:

        Thank you so much for taking the time to write this! I’ll definitely spend the time to do a brain dump. I think it would be really cool if you did a series because me and I’m sure more of your followers would benefit from it and be interested! Thanks again ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. barbiegirl06 says:

    Love your new website! So excited for new content to come!

    Wishing you all the best in your new beginning! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. JoJo Hammett says:

    Hey girl I watch your youtube daily and i wanted to visit this site because i just got done watching your recent. anyways your amazing , continue to do great things ๐Ÿ™‚

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